Wednesday, April 30, 2014

अतुलनीय भारत जहाँ लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्यों का प्रति दिन अद्वितीय सम्मान किया जाता है?

AAP's growing popularity in Varanashi causes BJP party workers to lose their tempers...

बीजेपी कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा बनारस के अस्सी घाट पर लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्यों का आदर सम्मान ... 

बीजेपी कार्यकर्ताओं ने कुछ दिनों पहले ही आम आदमी पार्टी के उम्मीदवार और दिल्ली के भूतपूर्व कानूनमंत्री सोमनाथ भारती पर हमला करके स्पष्ट कर दिया था कि वे लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्यों का हमेशा यूँ ही पतन करते रहेंगे। लोकतंत्र में हिंसा का बिल्कुल भी स्थान नहीं, पर फिर भी हार की बौखलाहट और चिंता में बीजेपी के कार्यकर्ता अपने नैतिक और जनतान्त्रिक मूल्योँ का हनन करते ही रहते हैं। हाल ही में आप कार्यकर्ता अंकित लाल और नन्दन मिश्रा को अससी घाट पर बीजेपी कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा बुरी तरह पीटा गया। 

अपनी विचारधारा, नीतियों, सद्कर्मो और शब्दों के बलपर चुनाव जीतने की बजाय बीजेपी और कांग्रेस के कार्यकर्ताओं ने हमेशा ही कानूनों का उलंघन किया है। अमेठी में जैसे कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओं ने कुमार विश्वास और उसके समर्थकों पर आकर्मण करके अपनी घटिया सभ्यता का परिचय दिया था, ठीक वही इतिहास बीजेपी बनारस में दोहरा रही है। कभी सयाही फेंक कर, कभी पत्थर, कभी मुंह पर कालिख पोतकर, कभी हाथ उठाकार, कभी हिंसा का सहारा लेकर, कभी गाड़ियों के शीशे तोड़कर, कभी अपशब्दों का प्रयोग करके उन्होंने कई बार अपनी ओछी विचारधारा, संकीर्ण मानसिकता और गन्दी राजनीती का परिचय दिया है। 

भारत में राजनैतिक स्तर का पतन और कितना नीचे जाकर रूकेंगा? क्या यही एक रास्ता बचा है इनके पास सत्ता हथियाने का? क्या लोकत्रांत्रिक प्रक्रिया में इन्हे तनिक भी विश्वाश नहीं? बनारस ने पहले कभी किसी चुनाव में इस तरह की हिंसा नहीं देखी। ये किस तरह की संस्कृति है जो बीजेपी वाराणसी की पवित्र धरती पर लेकर आ रही है ? क्या इन्ही हथकंडों के बल पर देश को प्रगति के पथ पर ले जाएँगे, कांग्रेस और बीजेपी के लोग? 

पटियाला में भी आम आदमी उमीदवार डॉ धर्मवीर गांधी को शिरोमणी अकाली दल के राजेन्दर सिंह विर्क और उसकी कार्यकर्ताओं ने मिलकर गुस्से में इस बात पर बुरी तरह जख्मी कर दिया जब उन्हे लगा कि "आप" का उम्मीदवार उनकी वोट्स इलाके में कम कर रहा है। सत्ता के भूखे ये लोग कब ईमानदारी से राजनीती करना सीखेंगे ? ये भूख इन्सान को जानवर तक बना डालती है। 

क्या इस देश में राजनैतिक गतिविधियाँ ठीक इसी तरह चलती रहेगी जैसे बरसों से चलती आई है ? क्या अब कभी इसमें बदलाव की उम्मीद नही की जा सकती? क्या देश इनके हाथों में फिर से सौंपा जा सकता है? क्या अब वो समय नहीं आ चुका है कि राजनीती की इस गन्दी परम्परा को सदा के लिये बदला जाये ? इसका अन्त किया जाये ? इसकी तिलांजली दी जाये? एक स्वच्छ और ईमानदार राजनीती की दिशा में कदम रखा जाये ?

इस वीडियो को देखकर आप स्वयं समझ जायेगें की 'आप' के कार्यकर्ताओं ने शराब को छुआ तक नहीं था जिसका घाटिया इलजाम बीजेपी ने अपनी साख के बचाव में इन निर्दोष लोगों पर मढा है। चुनाव आयोग ने एहतियातन बनारस में सुरक्षा बल बढा तो दिया है पर फ़िर से हिंसा की वारदात नहीँ होंगी कहा नही जा सकता क्योंकि यहां प्रधान मंत्री के दावेदार नरेन्द्र मोदी की प्रतिष्ठा दाँव पर जो लगी है। अगर यहाँ उनकी हार हुई तो बीजेपी में से ही, न जाने एक साथ कितने स्वर उठेंगे मोदी के खिलाफ़। अगर हार जाने का डर नहीं सताता तो दो जगह से चुनाव लड़ने की क्या आवश्यकता थी मोदी जी को? क्या यही मोदी जी की लहर है कि किसी पर हाथ उठाने की ज़रुरत पड़े, दो जगह चुनाव लड़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़े ?


देश और देश के हालात बदलने के लिये देश के नेताओं का बदलना बेहद आवश्यक है। 

देश को नयी दिशा देने के लिये देश में स्वच्छ राजनीती का होना बेहद आवश्यक है। 

Monday, April 28, 2014




   Yesterday, right prior to final phase of voting, BJP found the perfect timing to sharpen the vitriolic attack on Robert Vadra’s astronomically amassed wealth and assets in such a short span of time with the help of his powerful political connections only to influence the minds of the voters against ruling CONGRESS. Mr. Vadra is alleged to have acquired a huge segment of land, 10,000 bighas, in Rajashtan itself on relatively cheap rates during Congress's Rule. It is yet to be revealed as to how much land has he purchased all over India wherever Congress had its rule.

    In response to this acidulent attack, Priyanka Gandhi washes her hands off by just saying. 'these are series of lies against her husband.' It is about time Mrs. Robert Vadra must take them all to court if they are spoiling her family's image with false allegations. CAN SMOKE BE CREATED WITHOUT FIRE?
 It is not that Indians do not know about it since this ROBERT VADRA'S issue was first raised & addressed by THE BOLDEST & HONEST INDIAN LEADER, ARVIND KEJRIWAL to which instead of producing the documentary evidence to prove his honesty, Robert had replied tersely, 'Can handle all negativity.' but the release of video presentation with selective visuals and voice-over was purely designed to induce voters’ mindset. How our INDIAN ELECTION COMMISSION reacts to it is yet to be seen as the timing of this booklet and video is questionable. Though, I am not sure if this act of BJP violates election CODE OF CONDUCT or not. The corruption has taken place in the rule of every political party in India that includes BJP too except 49 day’s corruption free rule of AAP at Delhi.
The Indian political families, their kith and kin have acquired massive wealth illegally misusing their power and positions for decades and decades. This sort of illegal acquirement has flourished drastically on Indian soil crossing all the legal limits only because there is no accountability and transparency in force in Indian administrative system. Till date, no leader in India has shown the will and candid intent to put an end to this malpractice except ARVIND KEJRIWAL. That is the very reason for his powerful emergence as a great Indian leader of all times. So much so that other ruling and opposition leaders of political parties in India have started walking over ARVIND KEJRIWAL’S foot prints only to catch up on losing political grounds and to makeover their tarnished images.


Would these powerful BIG WIGS ever be punished for their ATROCIOUS political crimes is yet to be seen for our sickening system only penalizes the common people and allows the privileged and influential ones to get away. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


महान भारत की एक और महान उपलब्धि, लोकतंत्र के महापर्व के दौरान !
The INDIAN ELECTION COMMISSION is committing errors year by year, election by election religiously as if it is integral part of their national duties. 'The Mistakes are your teachers' appears to be merely a phrase only for EC.

If you may recall, I had already written a post on how we Indians have been deprived of FREE AND FAIR ELECTION years after years in our country. where is the development we often hear and read about in the news media? We hear series of claims that India has done this, done that, achieved this and so on. 

The recent string operations into the ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA had disheartened us a lot that unearthed the dirt with stunning revelation that how the fake election ids are made by a few corrupt officers in EC for the sake of pure greed of extra money. Now, even after six decades of so called independence, we can not vote because our election commission is incompetent & not functioning properly. 


The eligible voters, not in few numbers but in lacs across Maharashtra State were shocked when they discovered their names did not figure in 2014's voters' list the day they showed up at polling booths to vote. Who is to be punished for this heinous crime? may be nobody? I should be a fool asking about such punishment and deciphering it as a crime? this would probably go on forever in this country because it has not been rectified till date. No concrete steps have been taken to put an end to it.

In Maharashtra itself over 60 lacs voters were denied the right of voting this year, 2014 owing to erroneous functioning of our EC, you can safely imagine that the figure might touch in Crores all over India. What do Election officers do after the election gets over all these years? Sit on their chairs idly like irresponsible lot and have honeymoon over tax payers' money? If this is happening in the times of computer age, then INDIAN ELECTION COMMISSION needs complete overhauling top to down in every State. Ironically, there is no coordination on national or state level before elections. During every election we hear this outcry? who is supposed to take EC to task? The Supreme Court of India? Or it needs someone to file a petition to think over this national malady? God, when this largest democracy in the world, going to function they way it should?
Sadly, Maharashtra CM slaps the blame squarely on voters that it is their duty to find out if their names exist in the voters' list or not? "My dear, Chief Minister it is your job to get it alright. You are running this state, sir. It is your job to make sure that every voter in your state gets the fundamental right to cast vote since you have a huge team of wise bureaucrats and politicians around you with state machinery at your disposal." 

In response to this monstrous error, Election Commission in its poor defense says that the voters who were not present at the time of checking are the ones who have faced this deletion. It is beyond comprehension that renowned dignitaries like Supreme Court lawyer, Ram Jethmalani, HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh are amongst those victimized voters too who lost their constitutional right to vote this year.

As it is, our country is suffering from poor turn outs of voters during elections and if the voters, willing to vote, are denied the right this way, it appear like an organized conspiracy as often claimed by opposition in media. There is a theory doing the rounds that if there are poor turn outs then the better chances for ruling Govts. to win the election. 

I believe strongly that EC should announce re-poll for these specific voters after putting everything in order of course if they really intend to do their job properly with a sense of national duty, moral values and DEMOCRACY OF THIS COUNTRY. 

Or am I fooling around with this idea of REPOLL that it might take place here? 

महान भारत की इस महान उपलब्धि को कोटि कोटि दण्डवत प्रणाम !

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

नरेंद्र मोदी जी की ईमानदारी की झलकियाँ...


More often than not, BJP speaks high of its PM candidate, Narendra Modi's probity and he himself claims to be a clean politicians. In this post, I am providing a few significant glimpses into his honesty to put to your notice before you really buy what media is selling day in day out to promote Mr. Narendra Modi. 

Had NAMO been honest, he would not have kept Babu Bokhiria as senior minister in his government in Gujarat who has been sentenced to three years imprisonment by a court in Porbandar for illegal lime stone mining. 
Had Namo been as honest as he claims to be, he would not have given massive piece of Gujarat government Land to Adani on dirt cheap rates. This shocking document was shown in the news channel as well. 
Had he been as honest as BJP claims he is, he would not have used the choppers and aeroplanes of Mukesh Ambani & Adani in his electoral rallies. 

Had he been that honest he would not have taken corrupt, tainted and shining political diamonds like Yedurappa, Nitin Gadkari, in his fold. Doesn't he know that there is a huge list of corrupt people in BJP who have been given seats to contest 2014 Election.

Had he been so virtuous, we would not have heard of Gujarat cops keeping an eye on a specific woman 24x7 on the instructions of SAHEB or else those cops would have been taken to task for this dirty job. 
Had he really believed in 'INDIA FIRST' slogan he most often recites in his media interviews, he would have raised his voice in the interest of Indians against the imminent gas price hike being proposed by Mukesh ambani. 

Had he been honest he would have spent millions and billions on Indians instead of spending on BJP election campaigns. 

One can not imagine the exact cost of his campaigns as the transactions are always obscure in India due to lacunas in our sickening system but on its face value, it appears to be no less than thousands or crores as claimed by opposition too. This is exactly how our country is being sold by our so called political leaders. isn't this high time we change such leaders and bring in new leaders who deserve to run our nation? Just think about who is funding his rallies before you vote, Just think about who he is going to favor after he wins, you or the ones who are providing him choppers and air-crafts?

Had he been so clean and honest, he would have established LOKAYUKTA in Gujarat long back. 

Had he believed in honesty at all he would not have had 30-35 sitting tarnished MLAs in his party who have got criminal cases against them.

Had he been that honest as he claims, he would have mentioned his wife's name years back in his nomination, not in 2014. Isn't he walking over the foot prints of Arvind Kejriwal to prove he is also as honest as Arvind.

NIHARIKA SINHA, founder member of JAN SANGHARSH MANCH, @NirjhariSinha HAD REMARKED  QUITE SUITABLY: "If I become PM, I shall give ONGC to Ambani, BHEL to Adani, Air India to TATA to make them richest in the world. Bharat Mata Ki Jai- NaMo! Her quote is quite quite relevant to my post and decide to put it here. 

I can go on and on and write at length about his dishonest characteristics but I would like to sum it up here to cut this message short and not like to bore my readers. 

It is not NaMO's wave in the country. it is the wave against CORRUPT CONGRESS and Narendra Modi is getting the most of it. 

P.S. My salute to all those great volunteers of AAM AADMI PARTY who are toiling relentlessly without wages for the bright future of India. They are the true patriots of this nation contributing in their own way for the revolution spearheaded by great leader of our times, Arvind Kejriwal. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014



Dear blog readers, today, I have decided to upload this specific letter on my blog that I had sent to Mr. Neeraj, the former police chief of Delhi police & a few other police officers, for he had tried to humiliate Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, a great leader of our times, at INDIA TODAY CONCLAVE meet. Mr. Neeraj intentionally read this provoking & horrific sms "KASAM SE BAHUT YAAD AOGE TUM KEJRIWAL" in front of the media to take potshot at him disrespectfully. Almost every one present in the gathering knew about this SMS that was doing rounds on watsapp and social networking websites which has been devised by some mentally retarded person to ridicule the most honest leader of our motherland. The moment I saw him reading this sms, trying to ruin Arvind Kejriwal's image in front of the audience and media, I had decided there & then to send a befitting reply to him. 

The letter reads as follows: 

Dear Mr Neeraj,

I held great respect for you, your education and training but it disappeared instantly from my eyes to see you rise like a fool and ruin your own reputation.

What an outstanding performance you delivered at INDIA TODAY CONCLAVE reading that morbid invention of another mentally distorted man like you but for your kind knowledge there was hardly any plausible clap from the audience after you concluded it because nobody imagined & believed that an IAS officer of your stature would commit such a gross mistake of his life that too in front of media.

Mr. Arvind Kejriwal could have given a befitting reply to you then and there but the decency and dignity he lives with stopped him short to even think of retorting you.

What a great leader he is! I don’t even think you even deserve his reply.

You may have thought personally it to be a brave act on your part but my dear sir; it rather displayed poor n sickening latent mentality of a man who has once been at the top seat of Delhi Police.

Did you really deserve to be on this post with such a vindictive nature of your good self?

You have actually given a wonderful gift to your grand children who would later feel embarrassed like I was to see you do such an ignominious act.

What a commissioner act indeed!

Do you really believe that you could damage his image or even make a slightest dent on it by doing what you did?

Let me predict about his great soul, mr Arvind kerjriwal is going to be a national hero of this motherland mr neeraj in the times to come because of the love he holds of his motherland. Your grand children are going to salute him for his great deeds in the future.

There may be thousands of people like you in Indian bureaucracy who would detest Mr. Arvind's sheer guts but there are crores of people in India who worship this great leader of this nation, SON OF HIS MOTHER LAND who is not only being followed by people but by the leaders of BJP, Congress and other parties.

In comparison you are not even an ounce of his virtues, honesty & truthfulness. He is not going to disappear like winter season Mr. Neeraj he is going to be right here till he dies because he has taken a solemn oath to change the corrupt system of this country. He is the first CM of this country who sat at Dharna for the interest of his delhi people. He is the first CM of India to have sacrificed his supreme post with his cabinet in the line of his duty for his people. 

Look at how Mr. Rahul Gandhi in order to gain his political grounds is imitating him shaking hands with rly porters, conducting chaupals with auto rikshaw drivers and fishermen. On the other side, BJP Rajasthan CM, Vasundhra Raje following Arvind religiously denying royalties of bungalow and red lights on cars and Mr Narendra modi opening thousands of tea stalls to get connected directly with the local people. Has he ever done this for past 15 years in Gujarat?

Who is original and pioneer, mr neeraj?

It seems you seem to be nurturing a wish to get into politics? If a man with your kind of character comes to power in politics one can safely imagine what you are going to do for this nation. 

Even Christ, the son of god, was scorned, derided and tortured when he opposed the corrupt established Kingdom in Rome. Like wise, Mr Arvind Kejriwal is going through the same acid test but he is going to come out as a winner because the truth triumphs at the end.

Please accept my apology if my truth has hurt your sentiments but I am a man of guts too who would like to show a man like you the place where YOU BELONG. I show the same amount of guts writing to PM, Congress leaders, BJP leaders, Supreme court, Election commission of India, CBI and so on...



Sunday, April 13, 2014

देश में महंगाई केवल सरकारी विभागों में...

सरकार की नज़रों में देश की जनता पर महंगाई का असर नहीं 

महंगाई देश में अमीरों और कालाधन अर्जित करने वालों को छू तक नहीं पाती, इसकी असहनीय मार सबसे ज़्यादा गरीब और माध्यम वर्गीय सभी भारतियों को झेलनी पड़ती है लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि भारतीय सरकार की नज़रों में  महंगाई केवल सरकारी विभागों में कार्यरत कर्मियों और भारतीय सैनिक बलों  के लिए ही बढ़ी है, आम जनता के लिए नहीं, तभी तो हर साल बेलगाम महंगाई पर रोक लगाने की बजाय वेतन आयोग की जाँच पड़ताल के बाद उसके अनुरोध पर महंगाई भत्ता सिर्फ सिविल और सरकारी सैनिक अफसरों को दे दिया जाता है. वास्तव में यह उनके लिए महंगाई भत्ता नहीं, बल्कि राजभक्ति और वफादारी का इनाम है तभी तो उन्हें कभी 2 % कभी 3% देकर ही शांत कर दिया जाता है और चुनाव के दौरान 10% तक बढाकर घोषणा की जाती है  ताकि सरकारी कर्मीं और उनके परिवार वाले अपनी वफ़ादारी निभाते हुए उन्हें मत देकर हमेशा की तरह चुनाव में जीता सकें.

हम देश में उच्च स्तरीय भ्रष्टाचार को अगर थोड़ी देर के लिए भुला भी दें तो हम यह कटु वास्तविकता कभी भुला नहीं पाएंगे की सबसे ज़्यादा भ्रष्टाचार सरकारी विभागों में ही विधमान है यानि उनके पास सबसे ज़्यादा कालाधन है महंगाई से बचने के लिए. मेरा ये वाक्य उन निष्ठावान कर्मियों पर बिलकुल लागू नहीं होता जो पूरी ईमानदारी के साथ देश सेवा में कार्यरत हैं .

लेकिन इस बार के क्रन्तिकारी चुनाव में केवल सरकारी नौकर ही नहीं बल्कि सभी देशवासी बढ़ चढ़ कर इस भ्रष्ट कांग्रेस सरकार के विरुद्ध मतदान करने की ठान चुकें हैं. कांग्रेस सरकार को बाहर का रास्ता दिखाने का मन बना चुके हैं. इस बार देश में जगह जगह प्रांतों में बड़ी संख्या में मतदाताओं की उपस्थिति सभी  पुराने कीर्तिमानों को तोड़ रही है. देश की अब तक की सबसे भ्रष्टतम्  कांग्रेस सरकार का केंद्र से जाना मानो तय हो चुका है बस केवल परिणाम आने भर तक की देर है.

'जैसे को तैसा',  कांग्रेस ने देश की दुर्गति की अब कांग्रेस की दुर्गति की बारी है.

देश का इतिहास साक्षी है, जब जब नए मतदाताओं ने घरों से निकल कर भारी संख्या में चुनावों में मतदान दिया है तो देश की भ्रष्ट सरकारों को बदलने के लिए ही दिया है. बदलाव की इस तेज़ आंधी में इस बार 16 मई के बाद चुनावी परिणाम बड़े चौंकाने वाले होंगे. यह कहना भी अतिश्योक्ति नहीं होगी कि इस संसद के आम चुनाव के  परिणाम दिल्ली विधानसभा के परिणामों की तर्ज पर भी हो सकते हैं. 

देश सत्ता परिवर्तन चाहता है, व्यवस्था परिवर्तन चाहता है.
देश एक स्वच्छ विकल्प चाहता था जो उसे आम आदमी पार्टी के रूप में मिल चुका है 

"देश को बचाना है या बेचना है"

कांग्रेस और बीजेपी की राजनितिक सोच भारत के लिए सबसे बड़ा दुर्भाग्य ...

इस से बड़ा दुर्भाग्य इस देश के लिए क्या होगा कि आजकल भारत की दो महान राजनैतिक शक्तियां बीजेपी और कांग्रेस एक दूसरे को चुनावी जंग में विचारों और नीतियों से हराने की बजाय हज़ारों करोड़ो के विज्ञापनों से चित करने की हौड़ में जी जान से  जुटी हैं. चुनावी माहौल में हमारे देश की छोटी प्रांतीय पार्टियां भी इस में पीछे नहीं हैं. अगर यही हज़ारों करोड़ देश की जनता पे खर्च किये होते तो इन्हें अपनी अपनी बदहाली छुपाने और इमेज बनाने, चमकाने के लिए क्या इस तरह विज्ञापनों पर बर्बाद करने पड़ते ? ज़रा सोचिये इन हज़ारों करोड़ों से अपने देश के कितने गॉवों और गॉव वालों की किस्मत बदल सकती थी? इस और इनका कभी ध्यान नहीं जायेगा. 

सियासत की इस व्यापक जंग में दोनों बड़ी पार्टियां अपने अपने स्वार्थ हासिल करने के लिए विज्ञापनों में ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा खर्च कर लोगों को प्रभावित करके सत्ता के शीर्ष आसन तक सबसे पहले पहुँचने के लिए उतारूँ हैं. 

अगर हम इन दोनों पार्टियों के विज्ञापनों पर गौर करें तो हमें पढ़कर दुःख और शर्म की ही अनुभूति होगी कि यह सोच है हमारे नेताओं की जिनके हाथों में देश है या जिनके हाथों में जाने वाला है, इनके विज्ञापनों में लिखा है "अबकी बार मोदी सरकार' एव 'कांग्रेस आये इस बार " किसी ने आम आदमी पार्टी की तरह सोचने की कोशिश तक नहीं की,  जिसके पोस्टर्स पर लिखा है 'आम आदमी की सरकार' 

देश के धनाढ़य व्यवसायी मुकेश अम्बानी के बोल आप सुन ही चुके होंगे कि "कांग्रेस और बीजेपी दोनों मेरी दुकानें हैं" कांग्रेस तो देश के तेल को अम्बानी के हाथों बेच ही चुकी है. बीजेपी आ गयी तो वही दोहरायेगी. 

सभी केवल अपनी अपनी पार्टियों को महत्व दे रहें हैं. जनता की सुध लेना ही नहीं चाहते. देश में कांग्रेस आये या बीजेपी पाठकों, इन दोनों में से किसी की भी सरकार बने, बनेगी "अम्बानी की ही सरकार " क्योंकि दोनों ही उसकी जेब में हैं. हज़ारों करोड़ जो विज्ञापनों में लग रहे हैं, कहीं से तो आये होंगे? कोई भी समझदार अनुमान लगा सकता है. जब प्रचारों के दौरान राजनितिक पार्टियों को हज़ारों करोड़ दिए जाते हैं तो लाखो करोड़ों जनता से ही वसूले जाते हैं .

अब हमें तय करना है, "देश को बचाना है या  बेचना है"

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Guys, I watched this significant video today with a simple yet great message for every honest Indian who wants to see reforms in our rotten system. I immediately decided to put it here since it is pertinent for the cause I started writing this blog. I find there are lots of people around us who speak against him, call names, dub him as a great liar, call him incompetent, do not lose even a single chance to sully his image only because he is taking away the political land that belonged to others. 

If you possess a keen sense of perception you would also be able to see what I saw in this video. Please do watch it and share with as many people as you can since AAP doesn't have black and illegal money to pump into its ad campaigns like KEY PLAYERS, CONGRESS, BJP & OTHERS. Even if AAP had acquired considerable money, I am pretty sure a leader like Arvind would rather spend it on something useful than to waste on aggressive ad campaigns the way CONGRESS & BJP are doing to these days to supersede each other. Mind it, THE CONGRESS has alleged that BJP's publicity budget is around 10,000 crore in this election of which 90% is black. Now, it is for us to decide who to support, the ones who are using ill-gotten money or the ones who are sticking by the rules.

      These are the words spoken by this great leader in this video:

"Other parties are afraid of us not because of anything else but because we are one of you!

We don't have the money to give ads in TV or newspapers. I request you to listen to this clip, download and circulate it as much as possible.

It is only with your help that we will be able to teach the corrupt a lesson!

बाकि पार्टिया हमसे किसी और वजह से नहीं डरती बस इसलिए डरती है क्यूंकि हम आपमें से एक हैं| 

हमारे पास टीवी और अखबारों में इश्तिहार देने के लिए पैसे नहीं है, लेकिन हमारी ताक़त आप है| मैं आपसे निवेदन करता हूँ की इस विडियो को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक पहुंचाए| 

सिर्फ आपकी मदद से ही हम ये लड़ाई लड़ सकते है| 

जय हिन्द!"

Monday, April 7, 2014


who make mockery of food can not provide security of food!!
Updated about 8 months ago

The politicians like Raj Babbar and Rashid Masood are ones of those rich, overfed, insensitive, worthless and misinformed leaders of this country who cannot lead and read the havoc of inflation that is literally starving the majority of Indian citizens of this country.

Ironically, these are the very politicians who would spend thousands on their rich lunch and dinner and yet they are the ones making mockery of poverty blatantly on camera. The congress is getting whipped in media everywhere after their silly statements and the other congress leaders in defense are blaming the planning commission's poor assessment about who are poor and who are not. The congress must throw them out of UPA immediately who have undermined party’s image greatly which is already pretty damaged on national and international levels due to series of scams that have tumbled out during their rule.

These politicians must be force-fed with what is available in Rs. 5 and Rs. 12, in our country and then only they would know what can be bought in that kind of meager amount. What they in fact mean is that Indians can eat whatever is available in Rs. Five and twelve, be happy and remain hungry because nobody can buy stomachful food in that small amount of money.

Do they really deserve to be our leaders? 

They do not even know what is the definition of leader or else they would not have spat on people talking like that. they are not even qualified to know what the worth of 12 Rupees is in the food market. 

Can these ignorant leaders offer food security to Indians? 

Dear Indians, It is the call of the hour; we must change these leaders and bring in new deserving ones or else we would never come out of the sea of despair.



मोदी जी के गुजरात की उन्नति का एक छोटा  नमूना इस विडियो में अवश्य देखें। मीडिया किस किस के कहने पर देश को बेच रहा है हम सब जान चुकें हैं।  हम ये भी जानते हैं कि देश की उन्नति के लिए अब कैसे नेताओं की आवश्यकता है।  

जातिवाद, भाषावाद, हिंसावाद, परिवारवाद, वंशवाद से सभी भारतीय तंग आ चुके हैं। अब देश को बदलने का समय आ चुका है।  और देश को बदलने के लिए इन नेताओं को बदलना ज़रूरी है। 

अब सौंपों उन्हीं हाथों में कमान 
जो करें आपके मत का सम्मान 

Sunday, April 6, 2014



I came across the following post of Mr. Dinesh wherein he has well justified as to why we must support AAP at this juncture of revolutionary times and rise against corruption irrespective of how many seats it is able to capture in Election 2014. The writer pleads with every reader earnestly to share it with as many people as possible therefore I am sort of morally obligated to display it in toto on my blog.

बहुत से अच्छे लोगों के मन में भी है।

मैं तो यही कहूँगा, अगर आप को लगता है अरविन्द ईमानदार है, अगर आप को विश्वाश है वो अपने स्वार्थ के लिए नहीं, देश के लिए लड़ रहा है! अगर आप को सच में लगता है जन लोकपाल के लिए जिन लाखों लोगों ने सड़क पर उतर कर संघर्ष किया वो मूर्ख नहीं थे तो बेझिजक AAP को वोट कीजिए। अगर आप को 100% यकीन भी हो कि वो हार जाएगा तो भी वोट दीजिए। और तो और अगर आप को लगे के इस देश में सिर्फ़ आप की एक वोट ही अरविन्द को पड़ने वाली है, तो भी वोट दीजिए। क्यूँ??

यह बताने के लिए वोट दें, भ्रष्ट तंत्र के खिलाफ इस युद्ध में अरविन्द अकेला नहीं है, हम भी उसके साथ हैं। उस अकेले योद्धा को यह विश्वास दिलाने के लिए वोट दो के उसके द्वारा किए गए पर्यास असफ़ल नहीं हो रहे, हम उसको समझ रहे हैं,देश जाग रहा है। भरष्ट तंत्र को यह बताने के लिए वोट दो, कि अब एक अरविन्द को मारने से तुम्हारा रास्ता साफ़ नहीं होने वाला,, तुम एक अरविन्द को मारोगे तो करोड़ों अरविन्द आएँगे तुमसे टक्कर लेने। हार जीत को भूल कर अपना कर्म करो, बाकी सब नीयती पर छोड़ दो, तुम अपना कर्तव्य करो यही तो सिखाया था भग्वान ने गीता में, उसी को याद करके वोट दो। वोट इस लिए दो क्यूँकी अगर आज सच हार गया और यह आन्दोलन दब गया तो, फ़िर कोई दूसरा अरविन्द नहीं आएगा अपना सब कुच्छ दाव पर लगाकर तुम्हारे लिए लड़ने। यह भ्रष्ट सत्ता कभी दूसरा आन्दोलन खड़ा ही नहीं होने देंगी। लोगों का सत्य से विश्वाश उठ जाएगा। इस लिए हवाओं में यह सन्देश फैलाने के लिए वोट दो के सत्य के रक्षक अभी मरे नहीं हैं।

मानता हूँ के आप के एक वोट से वो PM नहीं बन जाएगा, लेकिन आप का वोट सत्य के लिए लड़ने वालों को साहस तो जरूर देगा। वरना यह भरष्ट सत्ता उनको मूर्ख साबित कर देगी, दिन में सपने देखने वाले लोग साबित कर देगी। नतीजा यह होगा सपने ही मर जाएँगे। और पाश कहता है:

"सबसे खतरनाक होता है, सपनो का मर जाना "
इस सपने को बचाने के लिए वोट दें। धन्यवाद।।

(क्रप्या इसको इतना शेयर करें के हर व्यक्ति जो दुविधा में है इसे पढ़ सके, देश के लिए इतना तो आप कर ही सकते हैं।)

वोट देकर राष्ट्रीय धर्म का पालन करें 
वोट देकर भ्रष्टाचार का उन्मूलन करें 
वोट देकर अपना नैतिक धर्म निभाएं 
वोट देकर देश के प्रति सम्मान दिखाएँ 

Saturday, April 5, 2014



Yesterday, during his road show in South Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal was under abrupt assault again by some demented man while he was shaking hands with the locals there. Agreed, it is everybody's right to express reservation peacefully about certain issues he/she doesn't approve of but no one can infringe on someone else's rights as well. The beauty of the democracy is that it entitles people to express their views openly and it should be the peaceful battle of ideologies and beliefs but it is unfortunate that people in India are allowed to break all the barriers to resort to undemocratic violent measures. Nobody seems to hold respect for democratic precepts any longer. 

Guys, it is not an attack on Arvind Kejriwal but rather an assault on the core values and principles of democracy. These days, such incidents take place more often than not. The hunt for true democracy is still on in this country...


If someone had hit Rahul Gandhi or Narendra Modi in this manner you can safely imagine that what could have happened here. NOTHING LESS THAN A NATIONAL HAVOC ! The entire nation and media would have risen against this act. 

Who is supposed to put an end to such maladies in our country? would someone responsible person care to look into this serious matter? 

If you care to peep into recent past, a few days back as well Arvind was punched on his neck by Satvinder Singh at Dadri, near Bhivani, Haryana in his road show there. The attacker was witnessed as screaming, 'YOU HAVE BETRAYED ANNA.' subsequently, the man was thrashed up by AAP supporters in retaliation and freed him when Arvind urged his party workers to assuage their emotions and stop immediately. The man in question revealed that he has been a supporter of social activist, Anna Hazare. Does that flimsy justification give him the right to break the law?

These poor assailants are merely pawns in the hands of KEY PLAYERS OF INDIAN POLITICS who devise such plans behind the curtains to sully his image & send the wrong signals around that people are not looking upon him with that respect now. These are well co-ordinated attacks designed by the powerful people of our country to sabotage Arvind's image in the eyes of gullible people of this country because they are unhappy to see him pull down their established political kingdoms. 

THE CONGRESS, BJP & OTHERS would never let Arvind Kejriwal take away so easily what they believe is their ancestral property.  So throwing black inks in press meetings, attacking on AAP offices, stoning at their cars, getting Arvind detained at Gujarat, brutal assault on Kumar Vishwas by congress workers at Amethi, blackening of Yogendra Yadav's face are going to continue on and on until ARVIND WINS THE ELECTIONS. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


This important appeal for donation is the need of the hour if we really possess an intent to help these true leaders who are striving day in day out and leaving no stone unturned with their limited resources to change our nation. 

Guys, I have found it quite pertinent for my blog and decided to put it on it today because I am of the opinion that we would not be able to achieve our goals with out helping AAP. Don't let this golden opportunity pass off Indians or else we would repent it for next five years. Please open your heart & soul and donate as much as you can to make this revolution a success!

Dear Friends,

At the outset, we thank you for all the support extended to us during this time of change.  We are overwhelmed to see the support.  To continue with our vision and execution to bring change in our country we need your support at every level. 

We are happy to announce the launch of a DONATION and sponsorship drive being led by us to promote and support our crusade to bring change through clean politics.   Please share this information with your near and dear once.  Let’s play our role by spreading this information as much as possible.  Together we can transform lives of Lakhs of people living in corners of Amethi, spending their life in seclusion.  Let’s contribute to bring hope for them.  Let’s together make an effort to make them feel that they are part of us, part of India.  It’s time to set examples by playing your role in the fight against corruption and dynastic politics.

Here is the link  Please let us know in case you need any further assistance and help from our end.  We will be more than happy to revert you back. 

Your contribution is valuable for us.  Looking forward for your support. Let’s work together to bring progressive change in our country.

Jai Hind!

Archana Srivastava
Team Member, AAP

Office of Dr Kumar Vishwas

Wednesday, April 2, 2014




To get FREE & FAIR ELECTION is the birth right of every Indian and if that is being denied to us even after 66 years of our so called independence then it is a big blot on our country and its hapless functioning. It is a matter of national shame for all of us Indians since we belong to a largest democracy in the world and yet people are deprived of their basic rights.

Please GET READY TO GET ELECTRIC-SHOCKED because if you watch the contents of this noteworthy sting operation that would show how well-organised, orchestrated, deeply rooted THE CORRUPTION is in our country and it can easily be traced even in a safest neutral place, where it is not supposed to be, THE ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA where no Indian would imagine it to be.  

A few days back, I had spoken so high about ELECTION COMMISSION coming up with motivating posters for voters for free and fair election and see what crops up now in front of us?

Beyond our imagination, the corruption has made inroads in THE ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA, a safe territory of no man's land. Yesterday, AAJ TAK news channel exposed organized corruption in Election commission of India. 

The EC's BLO (booth level officers) were caught on camera telling how to efface the ink after giving the vote and take certain precautions for erasure. They are even caught on camera making promises for bogus election ids in thousands for money, they are even promising verification of election id cards with out following the due procedures.

Had it occurred in some other country, the elections would have been postponed to straighten out the things in ELECTION COMMISSION but ours is quite liberal. I was almost electrocuted when the ex-election commission chief said it has been going on for years and the worst part is that nothing concrete has been done to end this malpractice. 

Like in other cases, as usual, our ELECTION COMMISSION has asked for the CDs from AAJ TAK the way they always do after such kind of revelation in other news channels' sting operations. 

It is nothing but the dust being thrown into our eyes so that we can not see anything for the time being. As the sickening tradition goes here, these corrupt officers would get suspension orders for a few days for the sake of investigation and get reinstatement in the job again once the heat settles down. Nothing is going to happen to these officers, I am pretty sure. The law will never catch up with them for severe punishment as they deserve for killing democracy. I doubt if that is even a crime here? Had the law authorities implemented laws, we would not have witnessed this today.

Nobody seem to be accountable in India from lowest to highest post. Don't you think fellows, we need JANLOKPAL more than anything else in this country? shouldn't that be our priority since it can enforce transparency and accountability in every governmental dept. 

I pity those candidates who lose by narrow margins! Do they really lose or they are just forced to lose the electoral battle by such rigging by political Kingpins?



These are a few true sincere, committed & dedicated leaders of our nation who have contributed a great deal to change the political scene of this country for past couple of years and some of them have joined the revolution a little later believing in their ideology that can reform our system enormously. 

For the first time after our so called independence of 66 years, they have worked relentlessly in true sense to get the Indians what they deserve, a better and safer India and what they have been dreaming for years and years even after decades of independence. 

These are the leaders who did not come into politics to fill their pockets and bank accounts or to stash black money in foreign banks but to offer a better life to every Indian. 

It is NOW OR NEVER that we all distinguish carefully from these assorted candidates & recognize before the election 2014 who are the VIRTUOUS LEADERS amongst them that can change our future, who are the ones that love their motherland, who are the ones that are ravaging and plundering our nation turn by turn, who are the ones that reflect truthfulness, honesty & willingness to reforms our country, who are the ones who did not fulfill their tall promises, who are the ones who would like to give us JANLOKPAL that has the potential to dismantle this well founded deeply rooted sky scrapper of corruption from our soil, who are the ones passing on their political kingdoms to their sons, daughters and family members, who are the ones standing against dynastic polity in our country, who are the ones who deserve the power of our votes, who are the ones that need to be shown the door, who are the ones that have amassed massive wealth and assets during their rule and who are the ones who have limited means but formidable determination to cleanse the filth from our repulsive system, who are the one that could have given us long back what they are promising now, who are the ones fielding corrupt, history-sheeter and tainted candidates, who are the ones building nexus with industrialists and selling Indian assets, who are the ones contesting for commoners, who are the ones contesting to build their own empires, who are the ones urging people undemocratically to vote twice, who are the ones wanting fair election, who are the ones showing fake connect with the people walking on foot prints created by Arvind Kejriwal...

Pls watch this video that speaks volume how the nexus of BJP & CONGRESS forced this great leader to sacrifice his CM post with his cabinet ministers.